Eric Koeppler

image of Cases of Business Friction
6 Cases of Business Friction

Business friction costs companies daily. This article will explain business friction and how it affects customers, employees, and the bottom line. What Does Business Friction Mean? Friction resists. Physics defines friction

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image of Business Goals
What are Business Goals?

Business goals are short-term or long-term objectives. Aspirational or motivating business goals can improve customer service or other goals. They may also aim to meet a revenue, net income, profit

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image of Business Sales Plan Writing
Business Sales Plan Writing

This guide explains a sales plan and how to write one for your business. Free sales plan templates are included.A sales plan helps your sales team meet business sales goals.

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image of Analytics Basics for Beginners
Business Analytics Basics for Beginners

Businesses move quickly today. Organizations now have better technological solutions. Business analytics has helped businesses succeed. Analytics has evolved from displaying facts and figures to collaborative business intelligence that predicts

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