business plan for poultry farming

image of business plan for poultry farming

Table of Contents

Poultry farming is one of the world’s most profitable businesses if handled well. Chicken farming is profitable since there needs to be more poultry farmers. It is the best way to make money quickly. This page covers poultry farming from small farms to large farms.

How to Write a Business Plan for a Chicken Farm

Business plans are needed to start or develop a chicken farm. We explain each chicken farming business plan section.

Executive Summary

Your executive summary introduces your business plan but is usually the last component you create because it summarizes each significant section.

Your Executive Summary should hook the reader. Explain your poultry farm type and status. Are you a startup, growing a poultry farm business, or running many poultry farms?

Next, summarize each section of your plan. For instance, describe poultry farming. Describe your poultry farm. List direct competitors. Introduce your target audience. Show your marketing plan. Find your important players. Present your financial plan.

Company Analysis

In your company analysis, describe your poultry farm.

You may run one of these poultry farms:

  • Breeder farms supply hatchery eggs. The hatchery sends the chicks to the broiler houses after 21 days.
  • Broiler farms produce 2.5- to 8-pound birds in 4–8 weeks for sale to consumers, grocery shops, and fast food chains as entire birds, cut-up breasts, wings, thighs, drumsticks, deboned breast meat, or further processed portions.
  • Pullet farms produce pullets and roosters that are sexually ready at 20-22 weeks and delivered to breeder hen houses.

The Company Analysis portion of your business plan should describe your poultry farming business and its history.

Answer questions like:

  • Why and when did you start the business?
  • What are your accomplishments? Chickens, turkeys, production contracts, etc., could be milestones.
  • Your law. Are you S-Corp? An LLC? Sole proprietorship? Legal structure, please.

Industry Analysis

Your poultry farm industry study must include an overview. Though needless, it serves numerous uses.

  1. Poultry farm research educates. It clarifies your market.
  2. Market research, especially trend analysis, can improve your strategy.
  3. Market research proves your expertise to readers. Research and plan presentation do that.

Industry study in your poultry farming business strategy should answer these questions:

  • Dollar-wise, how big is the chicken farm industry?
  • Market growth or decline?
  • Market leaders?
  • Market leaders?
  • Industry trends?
  • How will the industry expand in 5–10 years?
  • Which market size matters? How big is your poultry farm’s potential market?

 You may estimate your target market size by calculating the country’s market size.

image of business poultry farming

Customer Analysis

Your poultry farming business plan’s customer analysis must list your clients. Processors, supermarkets, and restaurants are client segments.

As you can expect, your customer segment(s) will greatly affect your poultry farm business. Processors and restaurants respond differently to marketing initiatives.

Try to segment your target clients by demographics and psychographics. Include information like consumer ages, genders, locations, and income levels. Government websites provide demographic data since most poultry farms serve local clients.

Psychographic profiles describe your clients’ needs. Understanding and defining these criteria can help you attract and keep customers.

Competitor Analysis

Focus on direct competitors in your competitive analysis.

Other poultry farms compete. Customers can buy from indirect competitors. This comprises beef, pork, seafood, and meat, alternative producers. Mention such competition.

Describe your immediate competitors in poultry farming. Your main competition is presumably nearby chicken farms. Provide a business overview and vulnerabilities for each rival. You can only know about your competition if you work for them. You should be able to learn crucial facts about them, such as:

  • Who are their clients?
  • Do they raise breeders, broilers, or pullets?
  • What’s their price?
  • Their skills?
  • Their weaknesses?

Answer the last two questions from the customer’s perspective. Ask clients of your competitors what they like and dislike about them.

Documenting competitive advantages concludes your competitive analysis. Such as:

  • Will you employ top-notch production?
  • Will you offer unique services?
  • Better customer service?
  • Are you cheaper?

In this area, list ways you will exceed your competitors.

Marketing Plan

Traditional marketing plans comprise Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. Your poultry farm marketing plan should include the following:

Product: Reiterate the type of poultry farm company you described in your Company Analysis. Next, list your products. Will you offer cage-free or organic poultry?

Price: List your prices and compare them to competitors. Your marketing plan’s product and price parts present your products and prices.

Place: Your poultry farm’s location. Document your location and its impact on success. Is your poultry farm near a processing plant, transit center, etc.? Discuss how your clients may prefer your location.

Promotions: This concludes your poultry farm marketing plan. Document how you’ll attract customers here. Promotional methods include:

  • Advertising in trade papers and magazines
  • Contacting agricultural extension offices
  • Flyers
  • Internet Marketing
  • Local radio ads

Operations Plan

Your operations plan explains how you will achieve your goals. Operation plans should contain two sections.

Animal care/feeding, flock supervision, animal transportation, feed sourcing, and other poultry farm operations are daily short-term processes.

Long-term goals are milestones. These could include when you plan to sign your 20th production deal or make $X when you plan to move your poultry farm.

Management Team

Your poultry farm needs a strong management team to succeed. Emphasize your key members’ abilities and experiences that demonstrate their company-building aptitude.

You and your team should have managed poultry farms. If so, emphasize this knowledge. Highlight any experience that will assist your business in succeeding.

If your team lacks, consider an advisory board. 2–8 business mentors make up an advisory board. They answered queries and advised on strategy. They are seeking advisory board members with farm management or small company success if needed.

Financial Plan

Your financial plan should include a 5-year financial statement, first monthly or quarterly and then annually. Financial statements comprise income, balance, and cash flow.

Income Statement

P&L statements are more frequently known as income statements. It shows revenues and subtracts costs to determine profit.

Income statements require assumptions. Do you supply 50 restaurants or process 2,000 birds per month? Will sales grow by 2% or 10% annually? As expected, your assumptions will considerably affect your business’s financial forecasts. Try to verify your assumptions with research.

Balance Sheets

Balance sheets indicate assets and liabilities. Try to reduce balance sheets to the essentials. For instance, investing $50,000 in chicken farming will yield more than instant earnings. It’s a long-term investment. You don’t have to repay a $50,000 bank check, either. That’s a debt.

Cash Flow

Your cash flow statement will indicate how much money you need to start or grow your firm and ensure you never run out. Most entrepreneurs seemneed to be made aware you can make money but go bankrupt.

Include this poultry farm startup and growth costs in your Income Statement and Balance Sheets:

  • Location build-out, including design fees, construction, etc.
  • Equipment/supplies cost
  • Staff wages Business Insurance
  • Taxes, permits
  • Legal fees


In the appendix, include your detailed financial estimates and any supporting papers. Include your farm lease or production facility blueprints.


Poultry farm business plans are worthwhile. You’ll be an expert after following the template above. You’ll understand poultry farming, your competitors, and your customers. You will have a marketing plan and learn how to start and build a chicken farming business.

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